Following the last failure of Skiddaw (well it wasn't so much a failure as in order to fail you must attempt which we never actually did with the snow being reported to be up to our earlobes - mind that's not really saying much in my case but anyway), we are going to give it another shot on Saturday. Fingers crossed the weather will be kind to us and at worst we won't be snowed off the hill (like last time) with best case scenario being wall to wall blue skies like those seen up t' north in th' Highlands last week. As this is gonna be a training yomp for the Lakeland 3000's walk in June we're going to try clock some miles - probably around 12 would be good so will finalise a route in the week to do so.
Walking With Nipples Part Deux
Ringo hears a crisp packet open in Lancaster
And so. at the end of February on a nice and sunny but blitheringly cold
day, me and Ringo put part 2 of t...
6 days ago
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